2 years since last update…

I hang my head.

2 years. Really? Life finds a way… in the words of Doctor Malcom but to mess up the quote: to distract you. A lot has happened. So many things have changed.

Right now, we’ve got this pandemic thing happening and I’ve been fortunate because my job is in demand (my day job, that is.) I’ve been working a lot most recently but also thinking about what I’m going to continue doing with Bramofon. I’m working on that. It’s always been a small operation with small parameters and specific deal breakers for myself. I’m really just kind of musing here but I’ll say this. I’ve never had a doubt about the sound and quality of my builds but I’ve always wanted more out of how they look. The problem is, I’m not great at producing that particular aspect. I don’t have the facility or means to do it. There will likely be a new track where I just build the stupid pedal without any design fanfare and it shall be so. I’ve already got updated boards for the Dirty 6th ready to produce and I may go old school acid etching the enclosure.

If you don’t hear from me soon…